Preliminary study on correlation dimension extracted from 24 hours heart rate variability in different frequency domains 从24h心率变异性不同频段提取关联维数的初步研究
Preliminary Study on the Evaluation Index of Design Quality for 2-Dimension Terrace 关于二维梯田设计质量评价指标的初步研究
Preliminary results show that concretes with different composition have the similar multi fractal characterization of fracture surface and the range of fractal dimension varies with the factors including water binder ratio, aggregate size and aggregate type. 结果表明,不同材料组成的混凝土断面分形谱形态基本相同,它们的分维值域随水胶比、集料粒径和集料品种的变化而变化。
Preliminary study on the time varying characteristic of fractal dimension of rainfall rate 武汉地区雨强分维数随时间变化初探
Preliminary study on Precursory sequence analysis by fractal dimension 地震前兆序列分维的初步研究
The preliminary study of fractal dimension of reservoir-induced seismicity 水库诱发地震时空强分维初探
Development of real estate planning and real estate preliminary planning are discussed deeply, and I bring forward they should evolve from "one dimension" and "two-dimentional" era of "piece", to systematic" three-dimensionalera "at present. 对房地产策划和房地产前期定位策划的发展进行了深入的探索,提出目前房地产策划和前期定位策划应当由点、面的一维、二维时代进入系统的立体时代。